Chibig welcomes you to the uncharted planet of Ankora as their new survival adventure game, Ankora: Lost Days launches on September 15th. The game releases first on Nintendo Switch and Steam, with PS4, Xbox and Epic releases planned for later this year.

Ankora: Lost Days mixes terraforming, crafting and exploring mechanics with a colourful style. Trapped on the planet Ankora, players must overcome obstacles like rivers, waterfalls, mountains and many monsters. Learning to adapt to adversity will be key to surviving as Ankora is a unique and changing planet.

Ankora: Lost Days was successful on Kickstarter, amassing more than 95K€ on the platform. Chibig promises a tale about growing up and standing on your own two feet. Players will explore, craft, and level up as they learn to connect with nature and respect it.

For more info on Ankora: Lost Days and other games in the Chibig universe, check out Chibig at their website or on Twitter.


By Scott Bennett

Artist, writer and photographer. I review anime figures over @WaifuWatchBlog. I like gacha games.